Over the past few weeks I've managed to solder some wires, fix some "spots", and run some trains, including my newest, Kato's Metra Bi-level commuter train:
I also ran the Santa Fe heavyweight train, though in some odd colors at the minute, just to do it:
But it's not always smiles. Sadly the day was marred by a disastrous crash at the beginning of a platform later that day:
So on to the start of the day's activities!
I placed the only remaining section of flex track after the crossover for an idea of how it was going. Then I decided to use some scraps to fashion the first (primary) switching lead (or drill track) for a place to park locomotives at the minute. I did eventually did extend it almost to the saw handle in this picture.
A closer view of the lead and the caboose of a passing train...
From the Yard Throat
The locomotive servicing area is on the left, marked by the pins (which are holding the cork until it dries).
Locomotive Servicing Area
The cork for the second switching lead, and tracks for the locomotive servicing area. The pinned track (from left to right): 1. secondary drill track, 2. access track, 3. inbound locomotive and service track, 4. former ash-pit refuse and service track, now used for storage, 5. outbound locomotives, 6. locomotive storage.
The Rest of the Progress
I don't want to spend too much time on the station until the yard is nearly finished; lots to do yet...
Overall View of the Work
I stopeed when I ran out of pins; I'll get the most complex areas (most turnouts) done first, then it's only a matter of laying the yard tracks...