Completed the first of two crossovers
I had these two Micro-Engineering code 70 turnouts left
lying around from another project, and since most everything I own works with
them, I used them in this location...
Preparing for the last crossover
I need this one to get trains in and out of all platforms in
both directions. These lines both worked well, so I hopefully I won't mess it
up too bad...
Cutting the first line
I found this tool, which is primarily used for soldering, to
be a very useful thing for holding the flex that is already in place while I
cut the section out for the first turnout...
Completed the first cuts
Cut out just enough to insert a Peco long-radius turnout.
And the second...
Both "holes" for the crossover are made. The
fitting is actually harder than just putting them in when I was laying the
track, but as you can see from this picture, it would have been backwards
Letting the glue dry
Fully fitted; once the glue dries I can solder the joints
that need soldering, and power the section between this and the other crossover
I put in, as both lines (to the right of this picture) are now isolated to
avoid shorts from the power-routing turnouts...
And no unsightly kinks…
The tracks are both straight, so I managed to leave enough
space between them to drop this crossover in now. It was a bit of a pain, but
it looks like it works out OK. Will know tomorrow when I run some trains through