Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Week Report - For the Love of Trains

Ever had one of those days? Time I had. Motivation too. Even managed to pick up some flex track and turnouts to make a little progress.

But I forgot to get RAIL JOINERS!

I managed to scrape together enough decent ones to get my arrival departure track in, wired, and running. You can see the new addition in this view:

The four station tracks are on the right, and the A/D track is on the left. I managed to hold off putting this in until I had the turnouts I needed to fit as well, so I don't have to cut them in later. Well, all but one. My rail-joiner shortage meant I couldn't fit the one at the far end that leads to the East-end through tracks:

It's not all that good a picture, but you can see where I'm going from this end. The track (far right) is only pinned in place, as is the ladder, to test the concept. I may move it in slightly to shorten the tracks, or maybe not. Need to play with the capacity and balance between yard tracks and drill tracks.

I also added a cross-over from the A/D track to one of the passenger tracks, to be used as a locomotive access track:

 It gives more flexibility in the design, and moving it farther out from Armstrong's original sketch means a local train can run it power around without having to go to the far end of the yard.

And here's another blurry view of the whole project, from the East:

And a pose shot of a few of my "players":

From left to right:

Santa Fe El Capitan with F7 power
A C&NW Streamliner commuter train, with an E6
A C&NW station switcher, in the switcher pocket
and lastly, a Santa Fe Super Chief, extended with two REA Express cars, and an extra sleeper, powered by a PA-1, PB-1, PA-1 trio.

Until next time!

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