Wednesday, November 16, 2016

More Progress, and Two Firsts...

After the radical decision to change my choice of servo control boards for the more turnout intensive areas of the layout, I made a surge of progress on the East end of the yard.

Just Another Crossover

One of the two remaining on the mainline, and will be controlled from the MegaPointsController that runs this end of the yard.This is also the first to have the new Hobby King servos installed, which in operation do seem a touch quieter than the previously used models.

Moving In To The Yard - First Replacement

This is the beginning of the totally automated yard; I chose this end to start as there are fewer turnouts located here, and it is a good distance from the bulk of the action. I also removed the first of two Peco twin-coil motors, as you can see from the left most hole in the roadbed. These devices were deemed unusable due to the large footprint, with half of the motor located under the adjacent track, and would have caused havoc in crowded turnout locations.

The turnout still in place, a Shinohara #6 that leads to the departure/receiving track, was already servo powered, and now will be controlled by the MegaPointsController board. 

Back To Where We Started

Even with the odd-sized hole to not disturb the already mounted and working turnout, installation went quickly. I used common paper towel, brushed with PVA, to cover the holes in the foam near the first turnout mounting. This keeps scenery material from falling through the layout onto the HO layout below. 

The next phase will involve the platform throat, and adjacent turnouts to the small coach yard. The other Peco twin-coil is located in this area, and since no other turnouts are currently automated, progress should be a lot simpler, even in the crowded locations, due to the ability to use a small mounting board and the ability to mount servos vertically.

Stay tuned...

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