Monday, September 11, 2017

Continuing Towards a Turntable

Despite the intervention of summer travels and the Squaw Falls exhibition layout project, I managed to get a bit more progress made on the revised locomotive terminal, to include space to mount the turntable!

I have decided though that rather than risk the highly detailed Diamond scale Models craftsman kit in this environment, I will go with the Heljan/Con Cor turntable that I have had since the 1970s. Motorizing it should not be too much of a challenge post installation, and the plastic components might be better able to cope with the temperature changes.

At the same time I did some of the preliminary preparation, to get an idea of where things would go and what they may look like...

Revised station approach tracks:

New Route Roadbed

Hopefully soon the mainline tracks will leave the station going straight, rather than at the odd angle they and the drill tracks currently lie in. Once I get the new box built for the yard expansion I can concentrate on restoring the mainlines, and work on re-aligning the other track that will change to make way for the turntable. Restoring what currently works will be the first priority, so I can run trains again, then finish up the servo mounting further up the station area.

Re-alignment Preparations Continue

Preparing for a major change on the west end of the station and yard; the curve leading in will be straightened, and the escape track will be reinstated for track 1 and 2. The cork in the foreground is the future alignment of the mainline, which will go straight to track 2 and 3 (all track numbers from the right).


Nothing is any good without a solid base, so I extended the benchwork using the same approach as the rest of the layout. Now just waiting for the next time to get it in place

Extension Base Completed

Waiting for the glue to dry; will be a few weeks before I get to get it mounted and work on track...